Who We Are
Choice Empowers Services LLC was founded in 2017 by Sancia Huffman on the principles of respect for a person’s right to choose. Being respectful of an individual’s right to make their choices and for the individual’s choices to be honored are guiding principles for how Choice Empowers Services LLC provides its services. At Choice Empowers, we believe that when individuals with disabilities and other illnesses have an input in the decisions that affect their lives, we are empowering self-advocacy. With respecting their choice, we are strengthening the individual’s control over how they choose to live. With a focus on personalized support, trust, and reliability, we take pride in delivering services that empower you to live life to the fullest.

Core Values: Choice, Equity, Inclusion, Individuality, Respect
Our Mission
The mission of Choice Empowers Services, LLC is to support people diagnosed with disabilities and other illnesses and their families to eliminate hindrances to a good quality of life, promote inclusion, independence, individuality, and increased opportunities for self-determination.
Our Vision
Choice Empowers envisions a world with community resources that create opportunities for lifelong learning, continuous improvements in service provisions, acceptance, and inclusion of all people regardless of differing life circumstances.
About the Owner
Choice Empowers Services LLC was founded in 2017 by Sancia Huffman. Sancia has over 18 years of experience working with individuals diagnosed with disabilities and other illnesses, and the elderly. She first completed dual Associate Degrees in Human Services and Liberal Arts, then her Bachelor of Arts in Adolescent Special Education and English to become a New York State Licensed Special Education Generalist Teacher. Sancia worked for several human services organizations in residential settings, supported employment, supports coordination, and in home and community-based settings. In one of her roles, she won the first Jerry Archibald award for demonstrating commitment, integrity and respect while working with individuals diagnosed with disabilities. Sancia relocated to Pennsylvania (PA) in 2014 where she worked with many PA organizations supporting individuals with disabilities. Her work focused in residential settings to manage and start up, and as a coordinator for day and in home and community habilitation programs. Sancia later furthered her education to earn Master’s Degree in Special Education, Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis. She currently has many roles within Choice Empowers. She continues to work alongside her staff providing direct support, as a behavior specialist, and as the CEO for the overall operations of Choice Empowers Services LLC.
Let us empower you with the care and support you deserve. Contact us today!